Well, I am now engaged to my beautiful girlfriend...I mean fiance...I mean...What do I call it again? Anyway this is the happiest month...No, YEAR of my life!
Now, I know this is a gaming blog so you don't want to hear about me getting engaged after almost 5 years of being with this girl, blah blah blah. I also know that you are all heartless brigands.
Anyway, for me personally this has been one of the best summers for gaming ever. Let's recap what all games I've got in just the last 2 or 3 months;
Magic The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
League of Legends
Monday Night Combat
Mount and Blade with Fire and Sword
The Sims 3 for PC
Age of Conan
and just today; Amnesia: The Dark Decent.
I'll do quick little one paragraph on all of these games right here just for you all.
1. Jamestown - Jamestown is an indie "bullet-hell" game in which you play 1 of 4 colonial characters in a futuristic-yet-not-futuristic scifi re-imagining of "the new world"...which is mars...It's plot is strange and quirky and by far the best aspect of the game. It can be multiplayer up to 4 people (1 using mouse, 1 using keyboard, and 2 using xbox 360 controllers). It's great fun for an old-school shoot-em-up style game and it has almost unlimited replayability, what with all the unlockable missions and whatnot. I definitely recommend it for anyone who is feeling nostalgic and who has friends to play with as well.
2. Magic the Gathering - If you've played the card game there isn't much to talk about. It's a card based game in which you battle with monsters and magic, trying to kill the enemy opponent. This game has an offline and online mode and being a fan of magic the gathering and NOT having friends who also play, this was great way for me to get my Wednesday night magic fix without having a comic book store in my area.
3. Minecraft - I will not review minecraft until it is more complete. At this point in time the game is boring and broken. All you can do is build blocks and mine for stuff with no purpose, but the game is in it's early stages, so hopefully soon it will get better. Some quests and NPCs will be nice.
4. League of Legends - I...Well, I haven't actually played it yet! Quite honestly the only thing that drew me to it was A. a friend plays and B. Penny Arcade mentions it almost monthly, so if they think it's that great, I will probably like it as well.
5. Monday Night Combat - Monday Night Combat is a game reminiscent of the old days; A game in which you simply kill other people for money and temporary upgrades. Now that I've played it out a little more, it reminds me very much of the game Shadowrun for pc. Yes it's a class based shooter and yes you have upgrades that you can unlock by playing one game long enough to get money to do so. I don't actually care for these kinds of games, because I don't like losing that which I worked so hard to achieve. One of the reasons I love Team Fortress 2 is because once you have the item it's yours forever and you can do with it as you please. I will be playing more Monday Night Combat in the future, but it by no means as good as Team Fortress 2 (which is also free now...yeah...free.)
6. Mount and Blade with Fire and Sword - This game baffles me...The graphics are horrid for this day and age, but the game lags so bad on my computer that it is unplayable, even on low settings. I can play APB Reloaded, Crysis (one), Far Cry 2, Unreal 3, etc. on the highest (if not close) settings, but when it comes to M&B it just refuses to play. So, no review for this one, just make sure your computer can actually run this shitty looking game.
7. The Sims 3 (PC) - I originally bought Sims 3 for PS3 and it was horrible. You are so limited in the PS3 version it's not even funny. The pc version freed up all those restrictions and then some, not to mention it looks much better on pc. That's right, IT LOOKS BETTER ON THE PC VERSION THAN ON PS3! That is horrible because ps3 is supposed to have some of the best graphics out there. Anyway, the sims is the sims, its a game in which you do everything you are SUPPOSED to do in real life...you know, like get a job, take a shower, and eat vegetables. But by the gods is it enthralling...
8. Trine - Trine is a great game, but I can't review it too much, as I haven't completed it yet. All I can say is if it weren't for all these other great games I've just got in the past couple of months, I would be glued to this game. I still haven't figured out if there is a coop option or not, but then again I haven't really looked. As soon as I start the game I jump right into continuing where I left off. It kind of reminds me of Little Big Planet just a tiny bit...maybe that's because it's a modern side scrolling adventure game? It harkens back to the days of Castlevania and Ghouls 'n Ghosts without being too overly hard and adding modern elements of gaming, like being able to create a box by moving the mouse in a box shape. Overall I highly recommend this game so far.
9. Age of Conan - If you follow me on
facebook you'll probably know this about me; I love Free to Play games and I fully support microtransactions. You'll also know that Team Fortress 2 is my favorite game of all time. I played Age of Conan back when it very first came out and you actually had to pay for it...Not that I believe in superiority or anything, I just think that if you payed for a game that went free to play you should get something in return...You know...Like a
hat. Anyway, all that aside, I am a HUGE fan of Conan. I have both the movies, I've read almost all of the old and new comics, I even bought that horrid Conan game for xbox just because it was about Conan. I've based many-a-d&d character on Conan, the most similar being Bodun the Barbarian, etc. etc. So of course I love AoC, and not just because it's based on Hyboria. I love AoC because of the GREAT graphics, the stunning landscapes, the human-only races, the more brutal and realistic atmosphere, and the time period and plot of the game. I hate how almost all fantasy rpgs and mmos now are set in SUPER HIGH FANTASY MEDIEVAL EUROPE! I like fantasy, don't get me wrong, but ever since WoW every mmo and rpg out there believe they have to do it over-the-top magic and fantasy, usually with modern day things made to look medieval, like trains, planes, motocycles, etc. Anyway, this review is getting too long, the game is
FREE god damnit, so go and download that shit now.
10. Amnesia: The Dark Decent - This is, bar none, the scariest game I've ever played. No guns nor weapons to save you...All you have is your trusty lantern and your sanity...But for how long?That's right, your lantern can go out and you can be trapped in complete darkness and your mind can play tricks on you. Was that the wind that just slammed the door down the hall or is someone...Or Something down there...I have become so engulfed by this game sometimes I truly feel like I am fleeing for my life. So far one of the scariest parts in the game is when the whole corridor becomes flooded and something strange lurks in the water. Of course, my lantern gave out so I was extra scared and I actually died. What kind of kills it though is when you die you just start over where you last left off, which is good, but as soon as you die you are no longer afraid. It's like your brain tells you "Oh, this thing can't actually hurt you. Go on, just open the door, nothing can scare you now, you are invincible!" If you are looking for an ACTUALLY scary game, buy this cheap game (you can even get it at walmart), turn off all the lights, turn the sound up really loud, and prepare to wet yourself.