Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On Age of Conan Part II

Age of Conan is very hard to put down. I am now level 27 and roaming the plains of Khitai. Or at least the Gate. Age of Conan is kind of hard to explain. It's brutal, realistic (as realistic as an mmo can be anyway), and it's set in a unique world and time period that I adore. The armor and weapons in the game are awesome and very unique to each land. Like Egyptian stuff? Go to Stygia. Like Asian stuff? Go to Khitai. Like Viking stuff? Go to Cimmeria. Like Roman stuff? Go to Aquillonia. Like any or all of these? PLAY AGE OF CONAN! It's not restricted to stereotypes and has alot more than just those four lands to play. Unlike most mmos today, it's a universal world with no set bad-guy. everyone is technically on the same team and against each other at the same time, much like Hyboria would be if it were real.

Although the game is marketed as free-to-play that of course means if you want to play it for longer than 1 month you're gonna have to buy something. You are only given 12 bag slots for equipment which is by far the most annoying thing. Secondly, you are given a 2 gold limit, which you can pay to have removed. They also sell mounts and such, but you can buy those in-game, so there is no point. Also, you are only given a very small handful of dungeons you can actually do, but if you pay somewhere around either 12 or 20 bucks you'll be able to permanently unlock several pre-80 duengeons. What about post-80 you ask? they rent them basically and it's stupid. Also, you cannot raid, so raiders...I guess go back to wow or pay per month. Basically, if you pay about $50 you can pretty much OWN the game forever, with a few restrictions.

Whats funny is most free mmos are either Chinese or Korean and so therefor set in a feudal oriental land and I normally dislike this, but I am drawn to the land of Khitai very strongly. I am a Cimmerian (viking) barbarian with "bear" facepaint and a huge beard running around in samurai armor lobbing off heads of zombies and raiders. Oh, that's another thing; Lets talk combat!

Ok so AoC is much more fun than most mmo grinders. AoC has 3 main attack buttons, left, right, and up. Your enemy has 3 guard points he puts up, either 1 in each, 2 in 1 with 1 left over, or all 3 in one. The guard points represent how hard he is defending one point, and you need to attack the area that is open. Also, feats and abilities don't just do something magical; you are required to perform a combo, which gets larger as you level up. These combos are both spectacular to look at and very effective. There are also multiple ways to play each class. As a barbarian, I am technically a rogue with hiding skill and whatnot, but I fight like a tank and rarely die. At first I was a two-hander guy, but now I'm a dual-weilder, and the feats and abilities don't restrict me, they open up more options depending on which fighting style I choose. Also, sometimes randomly, you get a badass finishing move. Most of the time my barbarian hacks into their stomach, causing them to fall to their knees as you throw up your weapon and lop their head off causing a huge trail of blood to spew from their neck cavities.

Well, if that last sentence didn't do it for you...Maybe you should play World of Warcraft.
Or you know...Hello Kitty Online.

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